Female rulers
Female rulers

female rulers

41) is repeated in these three entries, even though they occur close together, the last two separated by only one entry. Information on "the khutba (a sermon affirming a sovereign's right to rule)" (p. In other cases, there is unnecessary repetition of information, as in the entries on Yemeni rulers Alam al-Malika, 'Arwa Bint Ahmad al-Sulayhiyya, and Asma Bint Shihab al-Sulayhiyya. This chronological reversal occurs frequently, detracting from the coherency of the descriptions. As is, the alphabetical order results in unbalanced presentation of information: for example, the entry on Aelfwyn immediately precedes that of her mother Aethelflaed yet the description of their realm Mercia occurs under the latter, leaving one wondering where it was that Aelfwyn ruled (pp. xv-xxix), would make it possible to appreciate the lives and activities of the women rulers in their historical and cultural contexts.

female rulers

Arranging the work by country or region and chronology, as in the "Geographical Chronology of Entries" listing preceding the text (pp. While an alphabetical arrangement in an encyclopedic format is understandable, it actually hinders clarity. There are a number of problems, however, with the text that require some caution from the reader. It is without question an important resource even a leisurely stroll through its pages offers amazing insights into the vast spectrum of women who have ruled over their people in various ways. It is a broadly researched work, an extensive encyclopedia of information on women rulers from societies around the world, from ancient times to the present. The idea for this book is very welcome and its scope ambitious.

female rulers

Women Rulers Throughout the Ages: An Illustrated Guide. Book Review Women Rulers Throughout the Ages: An Illustrated Guide In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Female rulers